Confidentiality and trust are key to counselling. Below I outline my privacy policy. It explains what data I collect, why I collect it and what I will and won’t do with it. It is important that you read and understand this before we work together. Please do ask me anything you are not sure about. When you request counselling with me or provide me with any of your personal details, you are consenting to my processing of your data as outlined here.
This policy only applies to data collected by me. Third party agents and websites, which are linked to me, are not covered by this policy.
Privacy Statement and Data Protection
I am registered with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) which means I need to tell you what data I am collecting from you and what I intend to do with it.
What data do I keep and why do I need it?
Name and age – this is taken as it is basic information that helps me get to know you and for us to build a therapeutic relationship. I will only work with you if you are age 16 or over, to comply with my insurance.
Address, email address, phone number – I take this information as it provides a way of contacting you to organise your sessions and to organise payment for sessions. I also need to know you are in the UK for our work to be covered by my insurance policy.
GP details -If I was worried that you were at risk of harm then I may need to contact your doctor. Where possible I would discuss this with you first.
Will I share your data and, if I do, who will I share it with and for what
All counsellors see a Counselling Supervisor as this is a professional requirement. All work in supervision is conducted confidentially and I will not share unnecessary identifying details about you with my supervisor.
Aside from this, it is very unlikely I will share your data. I will not sell it on or use it for unethical reasons. I may only share it if the following circumstances arise:
• If my notes are subpoenaed by a court of law.
• If you or anyone you tell me about, is at risk of harm I may have to pass this information on to your GP, the police or another appropriate service.
• If it is disclosed to me that drugs trafficking, money laundering or terrorist attacks are being planned or carried out (this is required by law).
• In the unfortunate event I can no longer work with you due to unforeseen circumstances, I have appointed a ‘Clinical Executor’ – they will have access to your details and will get in touch with you.
How will I store your data?
Your details will be stored on my business desktop computer and my business mobile phone, both of which are password protected. Only I have access to these devices.
If I write your details on paper (for example, your phone number in case of technology letting us down), then I will keep this in a locked cabinet and shred it when no longer needed.
Session notes are kept in a password protected document on my desktop computer, and are anonymised.
How long will I store your data for and how will I dispose of it?
I’ll keep your session notes for 3 years and then delete them.
I’ll delete your phone number out of my mobile phone 1 month after our work finishes.
All emails from you will be deleted as soon as they are no longer needed and at least within 1 month of us finishing working together.
You have a right to request to see, have amended or have destroyed any data I may keep about you. I will respond to any such request made within 30 days.
If you are not happy with the way I use your data you can complain to ICO at or phone them on 0303 123 1113.
If you do not consent to me using your data in this way it is unlikely that I will be able to work / continue working with you.
Changes to this policy
I may edit this policy from time to time. If I make any substantial changes I will notify you by email.